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Our microdermabrasion facial is a gentle, painless exfoliation treatment that increases cell turnover and stimulates new cell growth, leaving you with rejuvenated, glowing skin. Microdermabrasion gently polishes aging, sun-damaged and acne-prone skin with diamond-tipped wands, leaving skin supple, smooth, and vibrant.


Our machinery is crystal-free, safe and effective. This is one of our most popular treatments and we tailor each step to target your individual skin concerns. Microdermabrasion allows our clients to step up their skincare game with a deep exfoliation only a clinic can deliver, and can also be added onto other facial treatments as an additional exfoliation booster.

Treatment cost:

15-minute add on – $40

30-minute – $99

60-minute – $149


Suitable for:

- Clients wanting a deep exfoliation treatment

- Clients sensitive to chemical peels and seeking an alternative treatment

- Targeting sun damage, fine lines, uneven tone, enlarged pores and textured skin

- All skin types and clients can benefit from this advanced treatment


Treatment preparation:

These treatments require minimal preparation. Please ensure that you inform your skin therapist of any contraindications including medications, surgical procedures, health concerns, recent excessive sun exposure, recent injectables etc.

Bespoke Men's Facial
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